GRow your ability to
disciple youth from hard places
It’s easy to share the Gospel to someone, it’s much harder to share your life with someone. Jesus did both.
Relational focused.
The three compounding problems we are attacking
Are you struggling?
- Do you feel unequipped or alone?
- Do you want to mentor youth but don't know where to start?
- Does it feel like you don't have enough time to invest in your mentee?
- Are your mentee's behaviors perplexing and confusing to you?
You Are not alone!
You don’t have to do this alone. We are here to help provide critical tools to help you be faithful in discipling your mentee holistically.
Hear from a few mentors we are serving

are we a good fit for you?
Our Desires
Quality over Quantity
Depth over Numbers with shallow impact
Long-term over Short-term
Our Core Values
Relational Focused.
God uses people to build people. Programs are good but not ultimate. They are merely a tool to start and foster relationships. Mentors face many challenges as they build relationships with mentees. Therefore, our entire ministry is focused on helping relational growth. Like Jesus, we want to share not only the gospel but our own lives.
Jesus Centric.
We love God and we love his Holy Word, the Bible. We want to fully obey Jesus and his command to love God & love our neighbors. We are not about building our own little kingdom, we seek first the Kingdom of God and implement that 100% in our ministry. We desire to be Spirit led disciples of Jesus who make disciples of Jesus.
Hard Places.
No matter the context- urban, suburban or rural- kids are facing fatherlessness, poverty and complex trauma. Children in hard places often deal with abuse, neglect and/or trauma. Our desire is to equip more believers to serve these youth.
You are NOT ALONE.
Our #1 goal is to see you be faithful in showing the love of Jesus to the youth the Lord has put in your life.
- Discipleship
- Emotional Intelligence
- Trauma
- Cultural Humility
We offer free online trainings in these critical areas
"freely Given" model
Often times ministries provide their services for a fee. There is nothing wrong with this but it does restrict who can receive the services. We serve ministries who are working in hard places. Typically these ministries are working on a shoe-string budget and don’t have the funds to pay fees.
From day 1 we decided to take a “Freely Given” model. God has freely given to us so we want to freely give to others. We don’t want money to prevent the equipping of mentors and ministry leaders. We give everything away for free. God has sustained LOLM entirely through generous monthly supporters and we want to honor them by stewarding their gifts well. If the Lord stirs your heart to become a LOLM monthly supporter, we would welcome it with gladness.
What makes LOLM so different?
We are in the mess with you. We are practitioners. We are not people who “did” this in the past, we are living this now. Having 10+ years of mentoring experience, being foster and adoptive parents we understand there are real challenges. You are not alone. Our #1 goal is to see you be faithful to the youth the Lord has put in your life